Беспроводные и радиочастотные модули

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ENW-89829C2JF ENW-89829C2JF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1315A CC2560A HCI Mod wo/ant BT 1883014.pdf
ENW89815A3KF ENW89815A3KF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1555 CSR BC06 SPP Profile Intg Ant 1883279.pdf
ENW89815C3KF ENW89815C3KF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1455 CSR BC06 SPP Profile Intg Ant 1883588.pdf
ENW-89827A2JF ENW-89827A2JF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1327 CC2567 BT ANT+ HCI Mod Antenna ---
ENW-89811A6KF ENW-89811A6KF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1321i BT Mod v2.0 EDR, SPP,w/ antenna ---
ENW89820A1KF ENW89820A1KF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1720 CC2540 2.4GH HCI Mod Antenna 1884453.pdf
ENW-89829A2JF ENW-89829A2JF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1325A CC2560A HCI Mod w/ant BT ---
ENW-89827C2JF ENW-89827C2JF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1317 CC2567 BT ANT+ HCI Mod No Antn ---
ENW-89820A3KF ENW-89820A3KF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1720 CC2540 BLE 8051 Ctrlr BR FW 1885406.pdf
ENW89823A2JF ENW89823A2JF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1326 CC2564 BT+BLE, HCI Module ---
ENW-89811K4CF ENW-89811K4CF Panasonic Electronic Components Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 PAN1321 Bluetooth EDR SPP W/ Antenna ---
WT41-A-mgr2738 WT41-A-mgr2738 Bluegiga Technologies Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 WT41 Long Range with Ant and IEEE Manager 1886323.pdf
MIKROE-711 MIKROE-711 mikroElektronika Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BLUETOOTH 2 STICK ADAPTER BOARD 1886535.pdf
WT12-A-mgr2738 WT12-A-mgr2738 Bluegiga Technologies Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 WT12 Class 2 w/Ant and IEEE Manager 1886921.pdf
BLE112-A BLE112-A Bluegiga Technologies Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BLUETOOTH MOD CLASS2 4.0 SINGLEMODE W/ANT 1887171.pdf
BLED112 BLED112 Bluegiga Technologies Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 Bluetooth USB dongle 4.0 single mode 1887406.pdf
MIKROE-683 MIKROE-683 mikroElektronika Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BLUETOOTH STICK ADAPTER BOARD 1887567.pdf
RN-42-SM RN-42-SM Roving Networks Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 Class 2 Bluetooth 2.1+EDR Socket Mod 1888016.pdf
DVK-BTM443 DVK-BTM443 Laird Technologies Wireless M2M Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BLUETOOTH DEV KIT FOR BTM443 ---
BTM443 BTM443 Laird Technologies Wireless M2M Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BLUETTH AT DATA MOD INT ANT, ENHANCED ---
BTM431 BTM431 Laird Technologies Wireless M2M Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BLUETTH AT DATA MOD INT ANT W/ BISM II ---
BTM404 BTM404 Laird Technologies Wireless M2M Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BISM II W/ POWER AMP 3V TTL 3.3Vcc 1889080.pdf
SPBT2532C2.AT SPBT2532C2.AT STMicroelectronics Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 Bluetooth Class2 Mod 4 I/O 4x12-Bit A/D 1889439.pdf
TRBLU23-00200 TRBLU23-00200 Laird Technologies Wireless M2M Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BISM II - Bluetooth Serial Module 1889709.pdf1889739.pdf
BTM403 BTM403 Laird Technologies Wireless M2M Модули Bluetooth / 802.15.1 BISM II - Bluetooth Serial MODLE 3.3V ---